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Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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Pricing Plans

Take a look at our pricing plans. Start for free and go with whatever plan fits you best.

 Free Trial: Try Kindly’s full potential for 21 days for free. No credit card needed. Trial stops automatically.

Save 10% with a yearly price plan!

  • $ 0.00 monthly
    • Pay for success
    • 3% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail
  • $ 9.99 monthly
    • Start Plan
    • 2% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail
  • $ 24.99 monthly
    • Kind
    • 1.5% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail
  • $ 59.99 monthly
    • Kinder
    • 1% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail
  • $ 89.99 monthly
    • Kindness Pro
    • 0.75% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail
  • $ 149.99 monthly
    • Kindness Enterprise
    • 0.5% of all successfully recovered orders
      • Unlimited orders
      • Custom schedule & template
      • Auto-remind & auto-cancel
        unpaid orders
      • Filter orders for recovery
        based on payment method or tags
      • Draft order support
      • Performance analytics
      • Spam Safety
      • Schedule up to
        9 reminders in one cycle
      • Live chat & e-mail

Do I get paid for recommending Kindly?

Yes, you will receive 25% commission for life for each customer you bring us. Sign up here to get your own affiliate link.

Is it possible to get a discount or a custom pricing plan?

We think that sometimes special situations need special treatment. So let’s have a chat and tell us your story! We are happy to hear you out.

How is the commission fee calculated?

The commission fee is only charged for successful recoveries. This means that only if an open order has been reminded with at least one e-mail and is then paid for by the customer is this order considered to have been successfully recovered. The percentage commission fee is calculated from the order amount. For example, with an order amount of $50 and 0.5% commission, this is $0.25.

* The billing is based on the Shopify billing API. Recurring charges are billed every 30 days, not the calender month. If you want to change your plan, charges are prorated based on the difference in price and the number of days remaining in the billing cycle. You can click here to learn more