We love what we make: Our customers happy with our Shopify app Kindly!
You have always been interested in the e-commerce or SAAS business? Great, that is a big plus, but not necessarily a must.
A young and dynamic environment to learn a lot
We are two 27-28 years old guys from Switzerland and Austria working remotely. Our main project is our Shopify app Kindly which was launched in late 2020 and is growing steadily ever since.
You are fluent in German and English.
Any additional language is a plus.
You are computer literate.
Both our production and marketing are extensively digitalized.
Here comes the flexible part!
You are interested in working part time or just want to earn a bit extra as a student. Remote is your preference? Fine with us!
- You take an interest in writing blog posts or newsletter texts?
- You have skills in graphic, web or UI design with Figma or Illustrator?
- You take an interest in customer support?
Those are just ideal conditions. We will be happy anyway if you just drop us a line to raphael.stolz@payment-reminder.com
Help us staying in touch!
Due to European Data Protection Regulation, we need your approval for storing your application data for a longer than the immediate period of time. We therefore ask you to include your approval in your application, for example by writing, "I approve the storage of my application data until otherwise communicated in writing." You can withdraw your approval anytime in writing. Thank you!
Your english writing skills must be on a B2 level.
You are fluent in German and English.
Any additional language is a plus.
You are computer literate.
Both our production and marketing are extensively digitalized.
Raphael Stolz